Athens Co. Adopts New Emergency Alert System
By: WOUB Contributing Writer
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Athens County has a new emergency alert system.
The "Alert Athens County" program will be able to alert residents about emergency situations.
Subscribers of the system can be reached through several forms of communication, including text message, email and landline phones.
The mass-notification system is manufactured by the company Everbridge, which will replace the county's current Code-Red emergency system.
The new program will cut down the time it takes for dispatchers to relay the emergency messages.
"This system we are looking at now is no more labor intensive than just sending out a text message. They will write up their message, select who they want to send it out too and then hit send and it will automatically start dialing these numbers and putting that message out," said Scott Warner, Athens County 911 director.
Citizens listed in the county's 911 database automatically have their landlines registered, but subscribers can add additional or alternative information or opt out of the program all together.