Mother Arrested After Driving Drunk With Baby On Lap
By: Kristi Murphy | Circleville Herald
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A Circleville mother was arrested for child endangering Monday after allegedly driving drunk with her baby on her lap, according to the Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office.
A 911 caller reported a woman driving with a small child on her lap on Pontious Lane toward Lancaster Pike around 8:12 p.m., according to Circleville Police.
Deputy Stacey Eitel, Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office, located Erica E. Lowery-Hudson, 22, at 8:25 p.m. just outside of Circleville near the Scioto River bridge on U.S. 22, according to the sheriff’s office.
She had parked her black Dodge Durango on the side of the road and was walking away from it holding her crying 1-year-old son.
Eitel noticed that Lowery-Hudson appeared to be under the influence of either drugs or alcohol and had her perform a field sobriety test. She was later found to have a blood alcohol level of .170 percent, more the double the legal limit of .08 percent.
She was charged with one count of endangering children, a first-degree misdemeanor, and transported to the Pickaway County Jail, where she has since bonded out.
Because the deputy did not witness Lowery-Hudson driving the vehicle, he did not charge her with OVI.
Her son was examined at the scene by Pickaway Township EMS and released to her husband.