Glouster’s Color In The Hills A “True Appalachian Fest”
By: Tyler Buchanan | The Athens Messenger
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Affordable, local and a host of entertainment, including Waylon Jenning’s grandson — all this makes for a big weekend in Glouster for the Second Annual Appalachian Color in the Hills Festival coming up Oct. 4-6.
The helicopter rides are back, with food and crafts throughout. But the biggest draw, as it was last year in the festival’s debut, is the music.
This year’s festival features a variety of bluegrass, country, rock and gospel, including The Kentucky Headhunters and Whey Jennings. Thousands came last year, and festival chairman Chuck Wood hopes for even more this year.
“(The event) is really gaining momentum,” he said. “We’re keeping this a true Appalachian fest.”
Entry to the festival is free, while visitors can buy a $20 general admission ticket for music entertainment that lasts throughout the whole weekend. A VIP ticket is also available for $35 that provides better seating and meet-and-greet opportunities with the artists.
Tickets can be purchased ahead of time by calling 767-2757 or 591-4553, said co-chairwoman Kernesa Kilzner. Tickets are also available at various local outlets including First National Bank and Josie’s Old Company Store in Glouster, Salena Insurance in Trimble and Blue Eagle Music in Athens.
Perhaps the biggest asset for the Appalachian Color in the Hills Festival is the emphasis on locality. Much of the proceeds are set to go toward funding a professional crime watch for Glouster and Trimble as well as other local beautification projects, Wood said.
Also, the festival has partnered this year with Chix 4 a Cure, a nonprofit cancer advocacy organization based in Trimble Township. A portion of ticket and T-shirt sales will go toward Chix 4 a Cure, Wood said.
“(The festival) doesn’t just help us, it helps Athens County and southeast Ohio,” Wood added. “That money stays in the community.”
Chix 4 a Cure will hold its annual 5k run/walk on Oct. 5 starting at 10 a.m. at Trimble High School. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and costs $20. For information about Chix 4 a Cure, visit www.chix4acure.net.
For information on the 2013 Appalachian Color in the Hills Festival and how to purchase music tickets, visit www.appalachiancolorinthehillsfestival.com or visit the festival’s Facebook page.