
Two Ohioans Selected To National Board

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Ohio is now well represented on the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Board of Directors. Henry County Family Court Magistrate Dick Altman was recently elected to lead the AFCC board next July, serving as president-elect until then. Supreme Court of Ohio Dispute Resolution Section Manager Jacqueline C. Hagerott was re-elected as a board member.

AFCC is an interdisciplinary and international association of professionals dedicated to the resolution of family conflict. AFCC has more than 4,800 members and 19 chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada, and in nearly 30 countries including Australia, New Zealand, and South America.

Altman is a member of the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution. He is a faculty member for the Supreme Court and assists with statewide rule and curriculum development. He has worked as an attorney and mediator in the areas of civil law, domestic relations, and parenting issues. Altman is a member of the Ohio State Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and several local bar associations.

Hagerott has been with the Supreme Court since 2006 as manager of the court’s Dispute Resolution Section, which provides mediation for Supreme Court and Court of Claims litigants, dispute resolution training, and assists Ohio’s trial and appellate courts in developing and sustaining high-quality dispute resolution programs, including mediation. She is a member of the Ohio Mediation Association and the Ohio State Bar Association and a past chair of the Dispute Resolution Committee. Hagerott is a licensed attorney and also an adjunct faculty member at Franklin University.