Chillicothe Opens Needle Collection Boxes
By: WOUB Contributing Writer
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A new kind of collection box could make an appearance in Chillicothe this year – one that collects used needles.
According to the Chillicothe Gazette, The Paint Valley ADAMH Board currently has one of the boxes, but has yet to determine where it will be located. Executive Director Juni Frey said they purchased the box after hearing complaints across ADAMH's five-county service area that residents were finding used needles discarded in their communities.
On average, Chillicothe Police receive two calls a week about used needles being found.
While Frey said the ADAMH board has not officially discussed a needle exchange program, health district executive staff have talked about it.
There is a needle exchange program operating in Portsmouth. The aim of the program is get intravenous drug users to exchange used needles for new ones in an effort to prevent transmission of disease through the use of dirty needles.