Ohio University Freshmen Get Involved
< < Back toThe Alumni Gateway of Ohio University reads, "So enter that daily thou mayest grow in knowlege wisdom and love."
On Sunday afternoon, Ohio University freshmen made their traditional first walk through the gate. The Marching 110 roared and the sun peaked through the trees on College Green. The students were blatantly in awe of their new home and too caught up in the crowd to grow in wisdom and love. But they did gain knowledge about what the university has to offer.
After hearing President Roderick McDavis speak at the Convication Center, the fresh faces and already blistered feet treked to the Involvement Fair. This event featured stations with different clubs and extracurricular activies for the new coeds to navigate.
One student was still reeling from his first weekend on campus. "It was straight out of a movie," Cre'Shaun Cole said grinning. "It was amazing." Cole's fun weekend did not deter him from taking school seriously, however. "I'm here to get the best education possible."
The new students used the opportunity to network and chat with others about common interests. One freshman was even planning to expand on her journalistic skills. "I am really excited with all the opportunities in papers and magazines."
Ohio University freshmen did gain knowlege at the Involvment Fair, maybe it will take a few more years to grow in wisdom and love.