Ohio Cross Country: Men Take First, Women Second at Flyer 5K
< < Back toOhio cross country is off to a great start to the 2015 season as the men’s team took first, and the women’s team came in second at Dayton’s Flyer 5K on Saturday.
The team’s competed against Dayton, Ohio State and Miami.
Junior Alex Wind finished second overall with a time of 15:42.1, leading the men’s team as they won their season debut.
Kyle Bussard, Brad Miller, and Jake Gentile ran well, as each finished in the top ten overall. Senior Jarrod Genther finished in 14th with a time of 16:10.9.
As for the women’s team, the Bobcats were led by Ellen Isaac, who finished with a time of 18:12.1 to place second overall. Freshman Alyssa Atkinson also ran well finishing 13th overall for the Bobcats and was clocked at 19:18.9.
Junior Tara Tollett finished next for the team with a time of 19:27.3. Peyton Adkins, Krista Roehlig, Christina Seas, Allison Roeth and Josie Woosley all finished with seconds of each other, helping the team secure their second place finish.
Both teams will be preparing in the coming week to host the Ohio Invitational of Friday.