Panel Slated to Address Ohio Fracking Tax Hike Kicks Off
By: Associated Press
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A study panel charged with addressing Gov. John Kasich’s proposed tax hike on oil and gas drillers has scheduled its first formal meeting.
The 2020 Tax Policy Commission was established in the last two-year state operating budget to review Ohio’s tax code for a potential overhaul.
When Kasich’s proposal for the tax hike on hydraulic fracturing – or fracking – activity stalled, Senate President Keith Faber and House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger said it would be put on the commission’s agenda and worked out by Oct. 1. After that date came and went, they said that changes in oil and gas markets were playing a part in the delay.
Faber said Wednesday that the wording of a final report was still being worked out with the House.