Moundsville Officials Ban ATVs From City Streets
< < Back to moundsville-officials-ban-atvs-from-city-streetsMOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. (AP) – Moundsville officials are tackling the issue of all-terrain vehicles with a new city ordinance.
The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register reports that Moundsville police Lt. Steve Kosek says the ordinance took effect this month, completely banning ATV use on city streets and alleys.
In West Virginia, residents are forbidden to drive ATVs on divided roadways and highways, but each city is permitted to develop unique ordinances.
Kosek says they’ve seen a decrease in phone complaints concerning the vehicles.
On a county level, ATV issues remain more complicated. Marshall County Sheriff Kevin Cecil says complaints have been consistent over the last few years, most involving reckless driving, trespassing and alcohol use.
Kosek says a select few community members are still allowed to use ATVs on city streets if they possess snow removal permits.