
Activists Deliver Petitions to McConnell’s Office

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) – Activists wanting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow a vote on President Barack Obama’s eventual Supreme Court nominee have delivered boxes of petition signatures to the Kentucky Republican’s office in Louisville.

Sara Duggan, a registered nurse, was among the activists stopping by McConnell’s office on Friday. She told a McConnell aide that the group wants McConnell to “do his job” and allow a Senate vote on Obama’s choice to replace Justice Antonin Scalia..

About a dozen activists gathered outside the federal courthouse to voice their displeasure with McConnell.

Meanwhile, the conservative Judicial Crisis Network is defending McConnell in TV ads.

In an op-ed piece, McConnell says he wants to let American voters decide in November who they trust to lead the country and nominate the next Supreme Court justice.