Official: Low-Level Nuclear Waste Dumped In Kentucky
< < Back toLOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) – A Kentucky official says low-level nuclear waste from drilling operations in other states was dumped illegally in Kentucky last year.
Division of Waste Management Director Tony Hatton told The Courier-Journal that officials confirmed the waste from operations in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia was sent to a landfill in Estill County. Officials are investigating possible shipments to a landfill in Greenup County.
State officials this week began warning all landfills to watch for such waste and not to accept it.
Hatton said the waste comes from rock and brine brought to the surface during oil and gas drilling.
The waste that Hatton said made it to the Estill County facility was concentrated during recycling, but it’s not believed the Greenup County waste had gone through that process.
Neither is allowed to be imported into Kentucky from those states.