Public Records Audit Finds 3 Ohio Entities Noncompliant
< < Back toCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – State Auditor Dave Yost says a review of several public records complaints has found three entities in Ohio to be noncompliant.
Yost said Monday that after reviewing the complaints, his office determined that the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, the state’s agriculture department and the city of Beachwood didn’t properly follow Ohio’s Public Records Act in certain cases.
Last year, Yost’s office created a way for people to submit a public records complaint against a public entity for a “Sunshine Audit.”
Those filing a complaint must first go through the state attorney general’s open records mediation process.
Yost’s office reviewed 16 complaints against cities, counties and state entities. Half were in compliance. Five entities were initially noncompliant, but turned over the records after being contacted by Yost’s office.