
W. Va. Governor Vetoes Bill Prohibiting County Park Gun Bans

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CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) – Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin has vetoed a bill that would prohibit county parks from banning guns.

The Democrat’s veto message Tuesday says counties are in a better position than the legislature to decide whether gun bans at parks are appropriate.

The Republican-led legislature passed the measure with only a handful of ‘no’ votes.

This year, Tomblin also vetoed a bill that would let people 21 years and older carry hidden guns without a permit or training, citing safety concerns of law enforcement. Needing only a simple majority, the legislature overrode his veto to make the bill law.

Time has likely expired for lawmakers to override Tomblin’s veto of the county parks gun bill. Without Tomblin calling them back, three-fifths of lawmakers would need to call for a special session.