Business to Pay for C8 Filtration in Vienna
< < Back toVIENNA, W.Va. (AP) – A company has agreed to pay for the installation of carbon filters in Vienna’s water treatment plant.
Vienna Mayor Randy Rapp says the installation paid for by Wilmington, Delaware-based Chemours Co. will begin immediately.
Rapp told the Parkersburg News and Sentinel ( the filters are temporary while construction begins on a permanent facility.
West Virginia officials issued a “Do Not Drink” advisory last week for Vienna water after the Environmental Protection Agency announced a new limit for the chemical C8 present in Wood County’s drinking water. C8 levels in the city’s water source are slightly above the new limit.
C8 was used until 2013 in the manufacture of Teflon at the DuPont Washington Works plant along the Ohio River. Chemours is a spinoff of DuPont’s performance chemicals division.