Ohioans Mentioned For Vice Presidential Consideration
By: Associated Press
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CINCINNATI (AP) — Ohio’s starring role as a presidential swing state could also earn supporting roles for state politicians on this year’s presidential tickets.
Having ended his own presidential campaign, Gov. John Kasich (KAY’-sik) has joined Ohio’s U.S. senators among those often mentioned as potential running mates.
Kasich, Republican Sen. Rob Portman and Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown are all experienced politicians coming from a key state. While presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton likely will also consider candidates that could add ethnic or gender diversity to their tickets, the Ohioans are getting vice president buzz.
There are also reasons against each: Kasich has balked at endorsing Trump after a long campaign battle. Portman is in a tough re-election race, and Brown’s election would open his seat for a Republican.