Hilary Clinton supporters watch the first presidential debate between Clinton and Trump on Monday, Sept., 26, 2016 at 1154 E Canal Street in Nelsonville, Ohio. (Kelsey Brunner/WOUB)
Photos: Area Political Parties Host Debate Watch Night
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Elaine Savely, 95, left, Lora Blankenship, middle and Paul Blankenship react after Hilary Clinton responded to Donald Trump’s statement about the race situation in the United States of America on Monday at 1154 East Canal Street in Nelsonville, Ohio. (Kelsey Brunner/WOUB)Athens County Republicans gather at the party’s headquarters on West Union Street in Athens for a debate watch party on September 26, 2016. (Atish Baidya/WOUB)Chloe Szakovits intensely watches the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at the Pigskin Bar and Grille on Monday in Athens. (Robert McGraw/WOUB)Carl Denbow of Athens, Ohio listens to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton debate during the first of three presidential debates. Denbow along with (from left to right) Alex Wilson and Todd Wilson, both of Albany, Ohio, watched the debate at the Athens County Republican headquarters on September 26, 2016 in Athens, Ohio. (Atish Baidya/WOUB)Ashley Fishwick applauds Hillary Clinton’s response to Donald Trump’s comment on her record during a debate party held at the Pigskin Bar and Grille. “I am a Hillary supporter because she stands for what she believes in,” said Fishwick. “Trump talks rhetoric. He doesn’t support women and minorities and Hillary cares about the issues and wants to make this country a better place. I don’t see a reason I shouldn’t support her.” (Robert McGraw/WOUB)Rebecca Keller of Athens, Ohio and Elijah Brooks of Glouster, Ohio react while watching the first televised presidential debate at a Athens County Republican debate watch party on September 26, 2016. (Atish Baidya/WOUB)A member of the Democratic watch celebration reacts to Donald Trump’s response on the subject of his taxes at the debate watching party in Athens. (Robert McGraw/WOUB)Kayla Ventura of Athens, Ohio watches the first presidential debate at a party organized by the Athens County Republican Party on September 26, 2016. (Atish Baidya/WOUB)Democratic memorabilia is shown at the debate watch party held at the Pigskin Bar and Grille. (Robert McGraw/WOUB)(From left to right) Ronald Chaney of Albany, Ohio; Abe Alassaf of Athens, Ohio; and Dillon Chaney of Albany, Ohio attend the Athens County Republicans debate watch party at the party’s headquarters on West Union St. on September 26, 2016. (Atish Baidya/WOUB)Hillary Clinton supporters gather to watch Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump debate the issues of the current presidential race. (Robert McGraw/WOUB)The Pigskin Bar and Grille has a full house during the first presidential debate of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. (Robert McGraw/WOUB)Vickie Poling, left, Ann Judy, middle, and Alexa Ross watch the first presidential debate. Clinton supporters from Nelsonville gatheredto watch the debate, offering an opportunity to interact with other like-minded members of the community. (Kelsey Brunner/WOUB)Democratic presidential support posters hang in the window at a gathering of Clinton supporters while the first presidential debate is projected on a wall in Nelsonville. (Kelsey Brunner/WOUB)