Former Texas Senator Makes Campaign Stop For Clinton In Athens
By: Allison Gens
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Former Texas Sen. Wendy Davis made a campaign stop in Athens for Hillary Clinton Friday to stress the importance of young voters in this election.
Davis is best known for her 11 hour filibuster in 2013 against a Texas abortion bill. At her campaign stop, she used her background to relay her message about Clinton to the audience in attendance, which were primarily Ohio University students.
“I cannot stress enough. Our college students have the opportunity to successfully lift Hillary Clinton over the top,” said Davis.
According to Davis, college-aged voters will make a difference in not only who is elected to the presidency, but also in important issues like women’s reproductive rights and education.
This message resonated with attendee and vice president of Generation Action, Emily Swanson. She said that she views Davis as a role model for reproductive rights, an issue important to her.
“I’m really passionate about women’s reproductive rights and anything to support women in politics in general,” Swanson said. “I think she is a great role model for anyone, especially young girls.”
OU College Democrats president, Sam Miller, agreed with Swanson in what Davis’ visit represented on the campus. She said her visit is also important so young people recognize their significance in the election.
“If millennials ban together, especially college students, and let people know this is how we want our future of our country to go, we can absolutely make that happen,” Miller said.
Democratic candidate for the 94th House District Sarah Grace was at the event. Grace advised voters to listen to Davis instead of the current polls.
“I know sometimes we look at polls and statistics, we get discouraged, so i just appreciate her motivation,” said Grace.
As Davis’ speech concluded, she made a final call to the students, telling them that even if they think their vote is insignificant, they should still show up to the polls.
“I would just like to encourage every young person who may be feeling like their one vote, their one voice, doesn’t matter,” Davis said. “To believe and understand that, every single one of us has so much power.”
While the OU College Democrats are working to mobilize college voters, the OU College Republicans are taking a different approach.
“We’re not doing a whole whole lot,” said David Parkhill, president of the group. “We’re focusing more of our efforts on helping our candidates get elected.”
Instead, the College Republicans are making phone calls, hosting events and going door-to-door for the republican candidates, Parkhill said.