DACO Joins Growing Efforts to Create Accessibility
By: Emily Votaw
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In this installment of Conversations From Studio B, WOUB’s Emily Votaw spoke with Autumn Brown, the transition manager for ATCO Adult Services and Passion Works Studio, and Trisha Clifford-Sprouse, the acting co-director of the Decorative Arts Center of Ohio (DACO), about DACO’s new sensory friendly museum tours and the effort that organizations like ATCO and Passion Works are making to reach out into the greater community.
Imagine you are in an unfamiliar room in which the lights seem achingly bright, eye contact from other individuals feels all too intimidating, and background noises seem nearly paralyzing in their intensity. You’d want to get out of there as soon as possible, wouldn’t you?
According to Brown, something like what you just imagined mirrors the regular experiences of individuals with sensory processing disorders. This population, which is also often on the autism spectrum, finds themselves regularly overwhelmed by seemingly insignificant daily stimuli, making it difficult for them to engage in activities that many of us take for granted.
DACO is one of many organizations that is working to make itself more accessible for individuals with sensory processing disorders, which Brown explained effect a larger portion of the general population than one might readily think.
Sensory friendly tours, which take place when the museum is generally closed; are available by contacting Clifford-Sprouse at in advance. DACO is located at 145 E. Main Street in Lancaster in the historic Reese-Peters House.