World Hijab Day At Ohio University
< < Back toWhy do women wear the hijab? A thin towel to cover their hair. And how does it feel? To answer these questions the Islamic Center organized an information stand in front of the Baker Building. During the World Hijab Day Muslims and non-Muslims were invited to wear the hijab and keep it for a whole day on their head.

The Turkish PhD student Habibe Temizsu organized this promotion. She wanted to give women the chance to experience how people perceive you when you wear a hijab.
Timizsu says: “We do this to let people know and make them aware of our problems in the society as hijabi women. Because sometimes it can be very hard.” She warns that while wearing the hijab you might be discriminated against. And even if it’s not with words or actions – you could feel it because of the way people look at you.
One of those students who wanted to know how the people would look at her is Tanya Maynard. The sociology student also has another motivation:
“Mostly it’s the current political climate heaving a tax on Muslim women and men and the immigration ban. It’s very un-American to me so i want to show support for Muslim men and women in America. They deserve to be here as much as anyone else.”
Lots of women attended the information stand and asked for one of the hijabs. Habibe Temizsu was surprised how many Americans and non-Muslims were interested to experience the hijab and learn more about it.
The World Hijab Day started the first time in 2013. The motto this year was: “Better awareness.Greater understanding. Peaceful world.”