Audit: West Virginia’s Computer System Hampers Payroll for Employees
By: Associated Press
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CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) – An audit has concluded that West Virginia’s $150 million wvOasis supercomputer lacks the payroll functions of prior state computers, requiring the Division of Personnel to hire employees to process payroll transactions.
The legislative audit, released Sunday, says the division cites nine areas of loss of functionality with the computer system, requiring the division to hire three employees who have a combined salary of nearly $100,000.
The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports that cited issues include the automatic deletion of all accompanying documents and attachments if the system rejects a transaction.
State Auditor J.B. McCuskey says the wvOasis system was sold to the legislature on the premise that it could produce enough cost savings to pay for itself, which he believes it can do, if state agencies work together to implement the transition.