OUPD Hosts “Coffee with a Cop” Event for Third Year Straight

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Ohio University Police Department hosted their first “Coffee with a Cop” event of the school year on Monday, Oct. 16th. The police department has now hosted this event for three years straight in an attempt to encourage the conversation between campus law enforcement and its students.

The police department gave out free coffee and deserts to students at the FrontRoom Cafe to encourage students to come have a conversation with them. Students are encouraged to bring their questions and concerns about the community or police department and discuss them with the police officers in a casual atmosphere.

Graduate student, Richard Quarshie, was impressed by the officers attempt to learn more about the students in their community.

“I think this is a step in the right direction,” said Quarshie. “And I think this is something other universities and communities should adopt and replicate.”

Police Officer John Stabler looks forward to this event each year and sees it as way to try and better students understanding of who the officers are when they aren’t on duty.

“We have to understand that these might be the clothes I wear or this might be the uniform I wear,” said Stabler. “But, that uniform doesn’t note who I am as a person.”

OUPD plans on hosting more events like this in the future to continue conversation between students. On Thursday, Oct. 26 they will be teaming up with “WellWorks” for an event called “Stroll Patrol.” OUPD, students, and members of the community will take a mile long walk through campus as a community. The event allows students and community members to bring up any questions they may have. It’ll go from 12-12:30 P.M. and anybody who wants to participate can meet outside Grover Center and Bird Arena.

The next “Coffee with a Cop” event will be held Dec.5th from 5-7 P.M. at SouthSide Espresso located inside Nelson Court.