Kaich Considering Three Applicants for Ohio Supreme Court Seat
< < Back toCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Gov. John Kasich is considering three people for an open Ohio Supreme Court seat.
Kasich, a Republican, asked for applicants for the seat to be left vacant on Jan. 26 by retiring Justice William O’Neill.
O’Neill is running for Ohio governor as a Democrat. Some Republican lawmakers are trying to oust O’Neill early, saying he should have stepped down weeks ago.
O’Neill says he isn’t officially a candidate until he files early in February.
The applicants are Judge Mary DeGenaro of the 7th Ohio District Court of Appeals in Youngstown, Toledo lawyer Richard Johnson, and Carol M. Gottschling, an attorney and human resources director for Lorain City Schools.
Kasich spokesman Jon Keeling says evaluations are continuing.