Bands Play at Memorial Auditorium to Support Local Girl’s Dream

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ATHENS, Ohio — Adyn Bucher is a 14-year old born with a disease called spinal muscular atrophy. That hasn’t stopped her from making a difference in the SMA community and impacting kids from all over the country who share her disease.

What is SMA?
SMA is a genetic disease that affects the nervous system, compromising voluntary muscle movements. There are four different types of SMA, each varying in levels of severity. The earlier the symptoms, the greater impact of the disease. In Adyn’s case, she was diagnosed with SMA type 1 when she was 18-months old. She was re-diagnosed when she was two-years old with type 2 SMA, when her health and strength improved. Like most individuals with type 2 SMA, Adyn will never walk or crawl. But she embraces life everyday in her power wheelchair.

How it all started

Board explaining Adyn’s Dream

With the help of her dad, Adyn created a non-profit organization called “Adyn’s Dream” in August 2013. She said she wanted to turn her love of music into something that would help the SMA community. Her goal was to help families with medical bills and other expenses that come with having SMA. And it doesn’t stop there; Adyn also wants to help raise money for families to come to the national annual CureSMA conferences.

“I have friends with SMA and I think it’s awesome when I get to help them with stuff,” she said.

The role of music

Dustbowl Revival preforming on stage

Since Adyn has always had a love for music, her father Brian thought it would be perfect to hold live music events in order to raise money for “Adyn’s Dream.”

“We kind of wanted to combine it with a passion of hers which is live music events, and something that she can really hold onto and continue her interest in as she gets older,” he said.

Doc Robinson opening the live music event

On Feb. 10th, “Adyn’s Dream” hosted performances by three live bands at the Memorial Auditorium on Ohio University’s campus. The Tillers, Doc Robinson, and Dustbowl Revival were all there in support of Adyn.

The $20 per-person tickets, and all other earnings from the night went to “Adyn’s Dream.”
Lead singer of Dustbowl Revival, Zach Lupetin, said he enjoys preforming in events like this because they spread awareness.

“I think it’s important for artists to get out of their little selfish bubble of constantly promoting your own music and your art and to think about the people that are really struggling and just trying to you know just get by,” he said. “Having talked to them a lot more about the struggles Adyn has gone through and all the surgeries and the treatments, this is a super-great way to get people aware but also have them gather together, have a good time and raise money so it’s cool.”