Crowded Field Seeks 3rd District House Seat In West Virginia
< < Back toCHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) – The U.S. Senate bid of Evan Jenkins is prompting a rush of contenders for his congressional seat in West Virginia.
Eleven candidates are on the ballot in Tuesday’s primaries for the 3rd District seat Jenkins is vacating, including six current or former state legislators.
Democrats controlled the 3rd District House seat for nearly 40 years under Nick Rahall, who was defeated by the Democrat-turned-Republican Jenkins in 2014. Now four Democrats want to turn that red seat blue, while seven Republicans want to keep it GOP.
West Virginia Wesleyan political history professor Robert Rupp says this seat is the Democrats’ best opportunity to gain a House seat in West Virginia.
Congressmen David McKinley from the 1st District and Alex Mooney from the 2nd District are unopposed in the Republican primary.