Student Wins West Virginia Opioid Abuse Awareness Contest
By: Associated Press
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CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) – An elementary school student has won a contest aimed at raising awareness of prescription painkiller abuse in West Virginia.
Attorney General Patrick Morrisey says in a news release that fourth grader Blake Pacitto of Lashmeet/Matoaka Elementary School in Mercer County was selected as the statewide winner in the Kids Kick Opioids contest.
The statement says the winning design illustrated how opioid abuse threatens a user’s job, home life and time spent with loved ones. It warns that abusing opioids could lead to prison or death.
The winning entry was among nearly 2,100 statewide and will be used in newspapers across West Virginia as part of Morrisey’s public service announcement.
Rivesville Middle School seventh-grader Nevaeh Premo in Marion County was the runner-up. The top two designs will appear on the attorney general’s website.