Bo Bogdanski and Josh Glassner find a perfect angel to enjoy the sight of the whole event in Athens, Ohio on September 7, 2018
Photos: Fall Fest 2018
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Dorothy Eskey, Trent Eskey and Natalie Eskey’s two-year-old daughter, drags the feet of a giant puppet made by Honey for the Heart in Athens, Ohio, on September 7, 2018.People gather on the top of the Athens Parking Garage as a part of Fall Fest to benefit Honey for the Heart in Athens, Ohio on September 7, 2018.Carly Willison and Joanna Kuhn chat under a giant puppet made by Honey for the Heart in Athens, Ohio on September 7, 2018.People attending Fall Fest gather on the top of the Athens Parking Garage to benefit Honey for the Heart in Athens, Ohio on September 7, 2018.Jackson Miller, 6, dances with his father Brian Miller at Fall Fest on the top of the Athens Parking Garage in Athens, Ohio on September 7, 2018.Bo Bogdanski and Josh Glassner find a perfect angle to enjoy the sights of Fall Fest in Athens, Ohio on September 7, 2018