Ohio House to Vote on Bill Increasing Gas, Diesel Taxes
By: Associated Press
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A transportation budget bill that includes increases in the state’s gas and diesel taxes to help maintain roads and bridges is scheduled for a vote before the full Ohio House.
The proposed bill approved 30-to-3 late Wednesday night by the Ohio House Finance Committee increases the gas tax by 10.7 cents and the diesel tax by 20 cents per gallon. Both would be phased in over three years starting Oct. 1.
Republican Gov. Mike DeWine proposed increasing the current 28-cents-per-gallon tax by 18 cents a gallon.
DeWine says the House plan’s increase isn’t enough for needed repairs and construction.
The House bill also provides public transit with $100 million a year in federal transportation funds. DeWine proposed $40 million.
The full House was expected to vote on the bill Thursday.