The unofficial 2021 General Election results for Washington County
By: Zanovia Criss
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WASHINGTON COUNTY, Ohio (WOUB) — The unofficial election results for Washington County with all 50 precincts reporting with 29.33% of registered voters voting.
One city council race in the county was contested. Incumbent David Ferguson and new member John Ruth were elected to Belpre City Council.
The village of New Matamoras had nine candidates run for village council with four elected: Blaze Amos (106), Tammy Antill (99), Terry Dunn (72) and John Schmidt (90).
Two people won positions as Decatur Township trustees: Mark Eickert (107) and Eddie Place (121). The winner of the Decatur Township fiscal officer race is Tracy Joseph with 62.30% of votes, who won against Bill Yoho.
For Fairfield Township trustees, four people ran for two positions. The two people elected into office are Jeremy Gribble (88) and Darrell Huck (112). Grandview Township Board of Trustees had two open seats; Todd Davis (196) and Tyler Riggs (226) are taking those seats.
Liberty Township Board of Trustees incumbents Steven Scot Hendershot (40) and Dale Lauer (44) will remain in office. Muskingum Township Board of Trustees will gain Carolyn Dempsey (482) as a trustee and incumbent Jay Huck (904) will stay in office. The Newport Township Board of Trustees had five people run and A. Dow Hockenberry (146) and Rodney D. Seevers (233) will keep their positions on the board.
In Salem Township, three people ran for two seats on the Board of Trustees; incumbent Joseph A. Carpenter (127) and newcomer Robert Gerst (149) won those seats. Warren Township Board of Trustees had two seats up for election that will remain with incumbents Allen Coffman (237) and Joseph Vickers (280).
Washington County had five contested school board races. Belpre City School District elected Fred Meredith (618), Michael Miller (543) and Mollie Haugt (605). Caldwell Exempted Village School District elected Jeffery Knowlton (625), Jennifer Ramsey (499) and M. Joani Reese (619). Marietta School District elected Eric Reed (2,313), Eric Reed (2,295) and Sam Tuten (2,160). Warren Local School District elected Bob Allen (1,005), Bob Crum (983) and Debra A. Proctor (1,097).
Washington County voters voted in favor of the 911 tax renewal levy (70.53%) for 0.35 mills over five years. Dunham Township voters voted to continue the 2.6 mills EMS tax levy (68.26%). Grandview Township voters voted to continue the 1 mill cemeteries tax levy (57.58%). Newport Township voted for the replacement Fire/EMS levy for 1.5 mills over five years (64.25%). Watertown Township voters voted against (50.94%) the replacement road levy for 4 mills over five years. Wesley Township voters voted to replace the current fire levy with a new fire levy for 4 mills over five years (74.13%).
Get the details from all of the races in Washington County here.
Per Ohio law, these results are considered unofficial until the final official canvas is completed in three weeks.