Caroline Rose reflects on COVID-19 era performance and the cautionary tale at the heart of ‘Superstar’
By: Emily Votaw
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Caroline Rose’s 2020 album “Superstar” follows the increasingly futile journey o f a gender-neutral protagonist who, driven by their ego, forsakes the charms of everyday life for a stab at fame and fortune. In the end, our hero cannot escape the overwhelming truth that the highly performative nature of the life they’ve created for themselves in pursuit of “making it” will never be able to provide them with what they’d so desperately hoped it would.
With its theme of scrutinizing the cultural trend of social media influencers and questioning the motivation behind one’s seemingly fire-y ambition about anything – “Superstar” felt very appropriate when it was released in early March 2020. Be that as it may, no one could have predicted how (almost upsettingly) in tune with the zeitgeist the album’s theme would feel over the course of the following two years.
On Sunday, March 13, Caroline Rose returns to Skully’s Diner (1151 North High Street) in Columbus, OH, and some weeks before that performance WOUB Culture had the opportunity to interview the young artist.
Find information on all of Caroline Rose’s upcoming tour dates at For WOUB, I’m Emily Votaw