
WOUB student being interviewed for a media position
Tegna and Gray in Athens, Ohio, on Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022.

Approximately 94% of 2022 Ohio University seniors who worked at WOUB Public Media had jobs before they graduated

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ATHENS, OH – Approximately 94% of Ohio University seniors who worked at WOUB Public Media while they were in college had jobs in the media industry before they graduated. The statistic is a testament to the career launching power of the hands-on professional training that students gain at WOUB.

“WOUB gives students the opportunity to take what they learn in the college classroom and apply it in a real-world setting at a professional media outlet,” said WOUB General Manager Mark Brewer. “The students work at a member station of PBS and NPR that is providing important educational, news, information and entertainment services to a 55-county, three-state region. Having the opportunity to hone their craft with professional guidance while gaining experience is invaluable as they start their careers.”

Students can start working at WOUB as freshmen and can explore all facets of the media industry.

“Prospective students, high school teachers with whom we work, and hiring managers are always impressed with the opportunity that our students have in the Scripps College of Communication to gain hands-on experiences at WOUB Public Media their first day of classes and throughout first semester,” said Dean Scott Titsworth. “There are many colleges and universities that offer production experience, but they limit those opportunities to upperclassmen.”

Brewer also points out that WOUB Public Media students have the opportunity to learn from and be mentored by alumni who also worked at WOUB as students.

“Having WOUB/Bobcat connections established in the media industry is very helpful to students as they figure out exactly what they want to do and look for internship and job opportunities,” said Brewer. “Alumni provide valuable insight and guidance to current students.”

Many of the 2022 graduates were placed in full-time jobs thanks to the WOUB Job Connection Program. The program was created by two former WOUB students, Doug Drew, BSC ‘78 and Mike Rausch, a non-degree journalism alumnus. It leverages the relationships of former WOUB students in the media industry to build partnerships between WOUB and media companies looking for graduating college students to fill journalism and media production positions at their stations across the country. As a result, recruiters from TEGNA, Gray Television and the E.W. Scripps Company visited campus during Spring Semester to interview students for paid internships and full-time positions.

“We are thrilled for this year’s graduates and are excited to see them take what they have learned from Ohio University and WOUB and apply it to their new media jobs,” said Brewer.

To learn more about the opportunities available for students at WOUB Public Media visit: