
An investigation of the controversial rise of “Clarence and Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power and the Supreme Court” on FRONTLINE – May 9

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Coming on FRONTLINE:

Clarence and Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power and the Supreme Court

Tuesday, May 9 at 9 pm


SCOTUS Clarence Thomas 1991, Washington, USA
Photo by John Duricka/AP/Shutterstock (6575107a)
Judge Clarence Thomas listens to his wife Virginia during a break in hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, . Thomas said of the charges of sexual harassment, “I would have preferred an assassin’s bullet to this kind of living hell,” but refused to withdraw his nomination
SCOTUS Clarence Thomas 1991, Washington, USA



As controversy erupts around Clarence and Ginni Thomas, FRONTLINE tells the inside story of their path to power. This investigation from veteran filmmaker Michael Kirk and his team traces how race, power and controversy collide in the rise of the Supreme Court justice and his wife and how the couple has reshaped American law and politics.