Tri-Valley strikes early and decimates Morgan in an offensive blowout

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MCCONNELSVILLE, Ohio (WOUB)- The Tri-Valley Scotties ran to McConnelsville to take on the Morgan Raiders. At the game’s start, both teams had a 3-2 record and were looking to continue in their winning ways.  

The Raiders started out this game with a bang as quarterback Logan Niceswanger threw an eleven-yard run right into a touchdown. This was an upset for the Scotties.

Looking for revenge Tri-Valley scored not one, not two, but three touchdowns. After the last touchdown, the first quarter ended with a score of 21-6. 

Agitated, Morgan could not let the Scotties continue to embarrass them.

Logan Niceswanger threw another touchdown which gave the people faith that the Raiders could prevail and bring this game back.

The Scotties had no intention of letting the Raiders make any kind of lead. Tri-Valley found the end-zone yet again and knocked the Raiders off their high horse.  

Unfortunately, this touchdown did not ruin the Raiders mood. They were able to find the endzone one more time.

In a back and forth second quarter Tri-Valley gained the first half victory 35-20.

The Raiders know how to start off a quarter. Desperate to catch up, Morgan scored the first touchdown of the second half.

The Scotties finally decided that enough was enough and got down and dirty with it.

After the last Raider touchdown Tri-Valley made up their minds that it was not going to happen, and it did not. The Scotties did what they did best and racked up two more touchdowns to add to their record.

They finished the third quarter with a record of 49-28.  

While the Raiders typically started off the quarters with a bang, they could not seem to get through the Scotties. In a very back and forth last quarter the Scotties could only get in one more touchdown to rub in the win.

The game capped at 56-28 for a Tri-Valley Scotties win.  

Tri-Valley will look to continue on its win streak at River View next week.

Morgan will head to New Lexington and try and bounce back.