Update: Nelsonville City Council President rescinds resignation
By: Hailey Hollinger
Posted on:
Update 2/18
In an email to members of the Nelsonville City Council on Sunday, Rita Nguyen has rescinded her resignation.
“I was uplifted by the many calls I received from our Nelsonville citizens requesting I stay on council,” Nguyen wrote. “It is for them I have changed my mind and will be staying on as Council President.”
NELSONVILLE, Ohio (WOUB) — For the second time in less than a month, the Nelsonville City Council will have to choose a new president.
“I hereby tender my resignation as council president and as council member altogether,” she wrote. “I am done fighting a useless fight. You can thank John Flowers for my resignation. I will not be attending any other meetings. I am done!!!”.
Nguyen was in the position just two days shy of four weeks, after Councilman Greg Smith stepped down as council president Jan. 22.
Nguyen’s resignation is the second in the span of a week after Smith resigned from council, for health reasons, at the end of a regular council meeting on Monday.
Applications for Smith’s seat opened on Wednesday and will close on Feb. 21. It is not clear when the city will start accepting applications to fill Nguyen’s seat.
The council will decide on a new president at its next meeting scheduled for Feb. 26.