
Biden Proposes Massive Changes to Supreme Court

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After the presidential immunity decision and other precedent crushing opinions by the U.S. Supreme Court, President Joseph Biden is proposing significant changes to the court.

He has proposed term limits for the justices and wants those to be imposed retroactively. Justices currently have lifetime appointments.

Justice Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito are the most senior justices on the court and instantly would be impacted by the retroactivity.

President Biden also is asking for a mandate to have an enforceable code of ethics imposed on Supreme Court justices. The court adopted one this past year, but it is not enforceable and there are no consequences for violating it.

Finally, President Biden is calling for a constitutional amendment to limit presidential immunity. This is proposed to counteract the sweeping immunity given to presidents in the Trump v. United States case on July 1.

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