Panel Continues Review of Ohio’s Alternative Energy Targets
< < Back toCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A committee evaluating the future of Ohio’s alternative-energy standards is continuing to gather testimony from experts.
The Energy Mandates Study Committee meets again Thursday.
The panel was created last year as part of compromise legislation that froze rollout for two years of state thresholds for alternative and renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and clean coal.
The committee, comprised of state lawmakers and the state’s top utility regulator, is re-evaluating impacts of a 2008 law that required 25 percent of Ohio’s energy to come from alternative sources by 2025.
Opponents wanted the mandates repealed, while supporters wanted them continued. The compromise restarts the phase-in schedule in 2017 unless legislators take different action.
Thursday’s witnesses include Charles Goldman of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Gary Swanson of Energy Management Solutions.