
Saturday morning, January 21, 2017, hundreds of thousands of participants attend the Women’s March on Washington. (Margo Sabec/WOUB)

Freedom Center Collecting Materials From Women’s Marches

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CINCINNATI (AP) – The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is collecting materials from the Women’s March on Washington.

City officials estimated more than 500,000 people were at Saturday’s demonstration in the nation’s capital, the day after Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration. Hundreds of thousands more took part in protests around the globe.

Freedom Center Curator Ashley Jordan said history was made over the weekend and that it’s important to document and archive the materials for future generations.

The center will collect signs, T-shirts, hats, videos and other images from the Washington march and “sister marches” in Cincinnati and other cities.

The center along the Ohio River opened in 2004. It focuses on the inspirational “Underground Railroad” network that helped slaves reach freedom and on continuing fights for freedom around the world.