
A Bittersweet Ending to the Bob Roberts Field.

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Opportunity, potential, ability, dreams– all of these words hold so much courage in their connotations. For several years, every Friday night, the Meigs Marauders have accomplished more than just victories at their home stadium, Bob Roberts Field. 

The Marauders have thrown men into each generation with highly noted characters built by time dedicated to their games on and off their field. On the night of October 28, 2011 the community of Pomeroy, Ohio watched the final home game of the Mauraders at the stadium they have known as “home” for so long.

A new stadium will be built by the opening of the next football season. For an extraordinary ending, a special Air Evac ball drop off took place before kickoff. Jay Buskirk (flight nurse), an alumnus of Meigs, handed the ball off the helicopter to Tabby Smith (also a flight nurse). The nostalgia abounding from the entire stadium was almost tangible.

Mike Chancey, in his father’s footsteps, has carried the Mauraders through numerous seasons. Great plays and countless wins took place on this field. From start to finish, from the good times to bad, the memories made at the Bob Roberts Field will forever be cherished by the players, coaches, and community forever. A new setting and end to such an era will offer a new commencement and fresh start, but with a community that clings to its tradition, the Marauder’s customs will never be lost. ­