
Justice Posts Budget Clock, Plans To Visit Fairmont, Elkins

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CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) – Gov. Jim Justice has posted on his state website a countdown clock marking the end of the regular legislative session on April 8 as the state budget deadline.

On Wednesday, the clock showed 38 days, hours and seconds ticking away.

It’s intended to call attention to legislators who last year failed to pass a balanced state budget on time and returned for a special session he says wasted $35,000 a day.

The Democratic governor’s budget proposals contain some tax increases to close a projected $500 million deficit.

The Republican-controlled Legislature hasn’t endorsed his proposals.

On Thursday, Justice plans to visit Fairmont and Elkins to discuss higher education, senior services and his plan to boost the state economy with a highway reconstruction program.

He plans to visit Parkersburg on Friday.