
Father’s Day Performance of ‘Trifles’ at Stuart’s

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On Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17, at 2 p.m. the Senior Moments Ensemble of the ABC Players will perform a stage reading of Susan Glaspell’s one act play Trifles. The performance, sponsored by Tansky Motors of Logan, will take place at Stuart’s Opera House (30 Public Square, Nelsonville, OH). The venue is on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible. Light refreshments will be served.

The play follows the investigation of the murder of a man who was strangled in his sleep at an isolated Iowa farm house. Those who gather in the farm house after the murder are George Henderson, the County Attorney; Henry Peters, the Sheriff and his wife; and Lewis Hale, a neighboring farmer and his wife. While the men conduct the official investigation, looking for evidence of a motive that would have led the only suspect, the murdered man’s wife, to strangle him. Meanwhile, the two women concern themselves with household matters that the men consider trivial. But their years of laundering, cleaning, and cooking, enable the women to see things that the men would never notice. This knowledge is the key to solving the case. There’s more, but telling would spoil the surprise.

Glaspell’s play was inspired by the case of an actual murder in Indianola, Iowa, in 1900.

In the ABC Players production, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale are played by Sylvia Abbott and Rita Preston, respectively. County Attorney Henderson is played by Joe Balding. Kenneth Bowald plays Sheriff Peters, and Terrence J. Smith plays farmer Hale. Ruth Borovicka narrates the action of the play. The show is directed by Karen M. Chan.

Incidental music is provided by the First United Methodist Church Chancel Choir, directed by Dr. Peter Jarjisian. The organist is Jeff Daubenmire.

At the performance, the Lynn Sullivan Spirit Award, annually sponsored by Tina Wilson, will be presented to Jodi MacNeal, who currently serves as the president of ABC Players. The award is a memorial to Lynn Sullivan, beloved music teacher and music director for many ABC Players musical productions.

Tickets are $12, $8 for students. They may be purchased on-line at or by calling the Opera House ticket office at (740) 753-1924. Tickets may also be purchased at the door. The event is not recommended for young children.

For an interview with the cast hosted by director, Karen Chan, listen to the conversation below: