
Democratic gubernatorial nominee Rich Cordray with the rest of the Democratic ticket for statewide office in Columbus get ready to kickoff a tour of Ohio. (Andy Chow | Statehouse News Bureau)

Ohio Democratic Candidates For Statewide Office Kickoff Bus Tour

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“Ohio Democratic Candidates For Statewide Office Kickoff Bus Tour” Andy Chow | Statehouse News Bureau
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The Democratic candidates at the top of the fall ballot are hitting the road  for a bus tour of Ohio. The candidates say their platform is a universal message that will connect to more than just liberal voters.

The bus has four campaign promises written on the side: “affordable health care, quality education, good paying jobs, leaders you can trust.”

Democratic Party Chair David Pepper says the message from gubernatorial nominee Rich Cordray and down the slate connects with independent voters and even moderate Republicans.

“Those messages which we will be taking to every county in the state are ones that will resonate everywhere. Every one of these kitchen table issues are ones people really do care about,” says Pepper.

Republican gubernatorial nominee Mike DeWine’s spokesperson said Cordray and the Democratic ticket keep focusing on their opposition to other’s policies without laying out their own, calling the tour a “road trip of grievances.”