
Nature’s Vegetable Bounty – A Spectrum Of Flavors And Hues

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For breakfast, lunch or dinner garden fresh vegetables certainly offer an explosion of flavor and color to our meals.

Even though we have experienced a lack of rainfall in our tri-state area this summer my family’s tiny tomato patch has been bountiful. I take advantage of using our gas grill all year long and a hand-me-down cast iron griddle from my mom has added to my savory experiments. However, when those lightning rods chase me back inside the griddle fits nicely on the stove top. Let me share my top four veggie indulgences from this season.


*Easy as can be…slice green, red and yellow bell peppers in to half inch thick rings and place on lightly oiled (I prefer olive, coconut or avocado oils) and heated griddle.  Crack open an egg, fill the pepper ring and fry; salt and pepper to taste. Delicious my friends!

*Cut an English Muffin in half, top with sliced tomatoes, salsa and sharp cheddar cheese (or your preference). Place under the broiler until the cheese is bubbling and slightly browned. Very satisfying!



*Slice tomatoes to suit, but, half an inch works superbly. Grill on high until the skin is lightly charred, then, remove from heat source and place on plate. Top with sliced or shredded cheese of choice (Burrata was recommended, but, mozzarella was a trooper). Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.  Garnish with basil pesto.  Yes, this is tasty!

*In a saucepan, heat extra virgin olive oil on medium-high. Cut purple asparagus (that’s right, PURPLE! Slightly sweeter and fewer fibers than its green relative) in to one-inch pieces. Toss in to the hot oil along with sugar snap peas. Add sea salt and toss quickly two to three times, remove from heat. The shine from the hot olive oil accentuates the hues of the purple asparagus and that of the peas, and, are quite eye-catching served in a white bowl. Complement with dill dip.