
Intrinsic Luminescence Exhibition

Intrinsic Luminescence Ross Lesko, Curator June 3 - August 27, 2023 Intrinsic Luminescence features the work of three outstanding artists. Whether it’s the dreamlike, epic landscapes of Judith Brandon; the poetic figures of Stanka Kordic; or the architectural, sculptural glass forms of Michael Mikula, each of these artists employs techniques that create a sense of inner... Read More


For the Love of Fiber! An Art Exhibition

The Bowen House 196 North Market Street, Logan

Several talented women from SE Ohio have collaborated to present this exquisite exhibition of fiber arts.  The viewer can enjoy weavings, quilting, specially dyed fabrics, detailed stitchwork, and more. Many pieces are for sale.  A special Meet and Greet with the artists is Saturday, July 29th, from 2-4 p.m.
