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The Birds Around Us – Bird Identification and Birding
March 14, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
$30.00Everywhere we look we are likely to see a bird. Sometimes we notice them, other times they are just “specs of motion” that pass by us in our day-to-day lives. Birds are a great indicators of habitat type and ecological health and it is easy to learn 100 species of Ohio’s birds. In this workshop we will focus on the keys to bird identification, habitats to find birds, backyard birds and some of the species of birds one is likely to encounter with a little bit of effort. After some in-class discussion, we will take a field trip to local bird hotspots to view various species of birds. Hopefully this workshop will make you want to stop and notice what that “spec of motion” was that just flew by you.
Facilitator: John Watts
John has over 35 years of birdwatching and natural history experience in Ohio. He has restored and managed thousands of acres of natural areas to create habitat for birds such as wetland and grassland that support a number of Ohio’s state listed species of birds. Along with Paul Knoop Jr. and Gary Coovert, John co-authored The Birds of Hocking County Ohio. He enjoys all aspects of nature photography and will share some of his bird photos during the workshop.
The workshop costs $35 and lunch is included. Graduate credit is available. Registration deadline is Feb. 29.
For more information or to register, contact Cathy Knoop cathy.h.knoop@gmail.com or Joe Brehm joe@ruralaction.org