Community Events

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UpBEAT (B.e E.ducated and A.ctive T.ogether) History Group
February 13, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
History of the Wayne National Forest with Andy Tremayne
Join us on Thursday, February 13 at 1 p.m. at OhioHealth O’Bleness Hospital Lower Level Room 8. Andy Tremayne, the Heritage Program Manager with the Wayne National Forest will be presenting on the changing land-use patterns of the Wayne National Forest. Wayne National Forest covers 833,900 acres of land and contains thousands of prehistoric and historic sites that provide clues about the lifeways of the people that came before us. People have been present in southeast Ohio for at least 12,000 years, from Pleistocene big-game hunters, early agriculturalists and mound builders, to early Euroamerican settlers, farmers and miners. The rich resources of southeast Ohio have long attracted humans to this area, and their activities have left their mark on the landscape. This talk will provide an overview of this history and address the possible reasons for the changes we see in the record. Please join us (and invite a friend!) to learn about the long history of our local forest.
UpBEAT is a program for those 55 years and older. Membership is free. To join UpBEAT and receive our monthly newsletter, or for program information, call Caitlin Bond, UpBEAT Program Coordinator, at (740) 566.4680.
The UpBEAT History Group SeniorBEAT History Group meets the second Thursday of each month at 1 p.m., usually at OhioHealth O’Bleness Hospital and the fourth Thursday of the month, for months of February, April, June, August and October at 2 p.m. at OhioHealth Nelsonville Health Center. Presenters range from local historical society associates to a variety of other community members who offer a wealth of information about historical interests.
During winter weather please note, UpBEAT programming is cancelled if the Athens City School District cancels for severe weather. We also cancel our programs if conditions are dangerous for older adults to leave their homes, for example if there is ice on roads or sidewalks or the temperature is below 15 degrees. When an activity is cancelled due to weather conditions, it will meet again at the next regularly scheduled time. When possible, the speaker or activity for the cancelled program will be rescheduled for the next available date. Except for the Saturday exercise class at O’Bleness, cancellations will be announced on WATH 970 AM.