Jobs Money Approved For Southeast Ohio
By: Fred Kight
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The newly created Ohio Appalachian Business Council is getting $1.7 million for development related science and technology industries.
The council is a private sector organization whose primary goal is to bring jobs to the region and help businesses grow.
It serves as the JobsOhio partner in Southeast Ohio.
The Columbus Dispatch reports the Ohio Third Frontier Commission approved the $1.7 million yesterday, while approving a total of $15 million for all six of the JobsOhio partners.
And the newspaper quotes a JobsOhio official as saying the awards were based on how many significant development deals took place in each region.
David Scholl of Athens is a member of the Third Frontier Commission but he did not vote on the grant for the Appalachian Business Council.
The Dispatch reports that's because he's affiliated with the Council.