Southeast Ohio Leading The Way In Felony Traffic Stops
By: Cheri Russo
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Two Southeastern Ohio State Highway Patrol posts are leading the way when it comes to making felony arrests during a traffic stop.
According to a news release, Scioto County was only second to Franklin County in the number of felony traffic stops this year.
Scioto had 109 traffic stops that resulted in a felony arrest.
Franklin County had 171.
Jackson County is number five on the list, with 65 felony traffic stops.
State Highway Patrol Officials say the reason for the high number of felony traffic stops is because troopers are taking extra time during each stop and paying close attention to possible indicators of criminal activity.
"Every day out troopers are out on the roadways taking felons out of your communities," said Lt. Max Norris, Commander of the Gallipolis Post. "By being observant and catching criminal indicators, drugs, weapons and dangerous drivers are removed from the highways."
About 47 percent of the total felony arrests were for drug offenses.
Complete stastical analysis from the Ohio State Highway Patrol is below.