
Weekly Competitions Encourage OU Students To Live Healthy Lifestyle

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In an attempt to lure students back to the gym, Ping Recreation Center at Ohio University now offers weekly competitions to encourage individuals to stay active throughout the quarter.

Every week there is a new task; this week it's pull-ups.

Students attempt to do the most number of pull-ups in a minute with the top three winners receiving prizes; including discounts and free personal training.

With the start of this new competition series, staff hopes that students will be more inclined to come to Ping regularly.

Personal Fitness Training Manager William Boyer wants this to help students reach their goals.

Boyer said, “We want patrons to be more active, live healthy lifestyles and we’re hoping this will bring that to them.”

Many students start off the year strong, keeping Ping packed.

However, by the time the fourth week rolls around, many students simply stop going, not to return until the “New Year's resolution” phase.

Pull-ups, push-ups and fastest mile are just a few of the competitions athletic contenders can anticipate.

The staff also hopes to give away a prize for the student who logs the most miles on a treadmill throughout the week.

If any student is interested in participating in these events, they should go to the weight room on the first level of Ping or the general workout area on the second floor.

Students can just grab someone on staff and have the staff member count how many reps they can do.