
Two Search Parties Planned For Missing Pike Co. Man

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Two more search parties have formed to look for a missing Pike County man, two weeks after he disappeared. 

Law enforcement officers plan to look for 47-year-old Leonard Sines tomorrow and a community search party is set for Saturday.  
Leonard Sines, 47, of Buchanan Road, was last seen by a friend walking behind his barn on Sept. 29. 
Pike County Sheriff Rich Henderson says they were quick to respond to the missing persons report. "We immediately went out on a search because of Sines' health conditions, so when the family alerted us we immediately called in fire departments and any other personnel that could help us search," said Henderson.
Sines has been fighting cancer, has recently had part of his liver removed, and it also a diabetic.
After several searches using bloodhounds, cadaver dogs, and flying over the area, Henderson says they still plan on doing another search tomorrow, aside from the community search on Saturday. "We're going to try to broaden the
search a little but more and go out farther in some other areas to see if we can come up with anything new," said Henderson. The wooded area they plan to target includes hilly terrain.  Henderson estimates the search party could have as many as 30 people, depending on how many volunteers participate.
Henderson says they have no evidence to suggest foul play.