
Gridiron Glory to go Live from Athens

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Week ten is a big week for most teams around this area, but it’s the biggest for Athens and Nelsonville-York.

It’s one of the most anticipated games each year, and this year is no different. Each team stands with a perfect 9-0 record, and looking to give the other its first loss of the season.

One team will walk away from this game with the “Doc Kroner” Trophy and outright TVC-Ohio championship title.

And, Gridiron Glory will be there for it all! Host, Blake Brodie, will be out on sight at Basil Rutter Field with TVC-Ohio Reporters, Justin Sampson and Frank Bumb, to host the show and break down the colossal match-up that will take place Friday night.

The show goes LIVE from Athens beginning at 11:30p.m. And, all Bulldog fans, Buckeye fans, and any other football fans are encouraged to stick around Friday night, or come back to the field, to support their team on live television.

Blake will be interviewing the winning coach live on the set, and interacting with any and all fans that stick around. Gridiron Glory is more than excited to hang out in Scott Riggs and Family Stadium all day, and bring its set and crew to the fans.

For the best, most in-depth coverage of this game, and many other southeast Ohio games make sure to tune into WOUB at 11:30p.m. or better yet, just head to Basil Rutter Field and watch Gridiron Glory live!