
Marietta College Preserves Civil War Memories

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The words of Civil War soldiers will live on thanks to an effort by Marietta College.

Letters written by soldiers to their loved ones during the Civil War were typed and more than 3,000 images were scanned as part of a digitization project. 
The project was funded through a grant from the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.
According to Dr. Douglas Anderson, Director of Legacy Library, the Civil War project contains more than 1,300 papers from documents that pertain to the American Civil War and two photograph collections depicting soldiers from the 53rd and the 91st
Ohio Volunteer Infantry regiments.
 "Marietta College's digitization of several American Civil War collections provides an invaluable resource to scholars, including our own Marietta College students," Dr. Kathryn McDaniel, the McCoy Associate Professor of History said.
The collection can be viewed on the college's library website.